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Track Rules

We want everyone’s experience at Interstate Raceway to be safe and enjoyable. Please follow our facility rules whether you’re a spectator or racer.

General Rules

  • No beverages in glass containers. Picking broken glass out of tires is an unpleasant experience and dangerous to our visitors, so we have a facility-wide ban on glass bottles.
  • Dogs are allowed and must be leashed at all times. The events tend to be very loud so we recommend that anxious dogs stay home.

Driving and Vehicles

  • The speed limit for moving around the track is 10 mph. This includes the entrance, staging lanes, pit area, and concession road. The speed limit on the return road (tower to the far field) is 40 mph.
  • All motorized vehicles including pit bikes, scooters, ATVs, and golf carts must be driven by a licensed driver. Children can ride normal bicycles.
  • All passengers must be securely seated in/on moving vehicles. You cannot ride on the tailgate of a truck or while standing on a golf cart, for example.
  • See below for complete Auxiliary Pit Vehicle rules.

Drag Racers

For full drag racing rules, view our Drag Racing Rules section.

  • Attire. No open-toe shoes such as flip-flops. No tank tops. Shoulders must be covered to race.
  • All windows must be rolled up by the time you reach the starting line.
  • Air-conditioning must be turned off by the time you reach the starting line. This prevents the condenser from dripping water on the starting line.
  • Vehicle numbers. Your vehicle number must be written clearly in large numbers/letters on your windshield and the front windows of your vehicle so the tower operator can see them clearly. Unclear numbers can lead to delays or being assigned the wrong number in the timing system. We recommend your numbers be at least 6 inches tall for visibility. Vinyl decals for permanent numbers are appropriate if properly sized.
  • Passengers. You may only have a passenger if your vehicle runs 8.95 sec or slower in the eighth mile and you’re not making a pass for bracket racing. Limit one passenger at a time when making passes. All passengers must be 13 years of age or older.
    • If you want to show your parent or significant other how fast your car goes, we recommend entering the Test and Tune group!
  • “What does the orange cone on the starting line mean?” If your vehicle has street tires, you will be “coned” when you pull up to the starting line. This means you must keep your wheels aligned with the orange cone and out of the “groove” on the racing surface when you’re making your pass down the track. Street tires tear up surface rubber and we want to keep that groove for vehicles running softer tires.

Auxiliary Pit Vehicles

  • Pedestrians have the right-of-way. Be observant and courteous at all times.
  • Auxiliary pit vehicles may be used for necessary transportation only. No joyriding, cruising, or recreational riding.
  • User perimeter roadways and avoid high-traffic areas such as the staging lanes.
  • The maximum speed is 10 mph or lower where posted.
  • Must be at least 16 years old and have a valid state driver’s license.
  • Never operate any vehicle while impaired by alcohol, drugs, medication, or injury.
  • Never transport passengers whose judgement may be impaired.
  • Obey traffic signage, directions, signals, and instructions by officials, security, and/or law enforcement officials.
  • Each passenger must have an OEM seat and remain seated while the vehicle is moving. No passenger overloading. No passengers sitting in a backwards position on the front cowling, riding on front dashes of golf carts or on ATV handlebars.
  • Never operate any vehicle without proper authorization, at excessive speed, recklessly, or without due consideration to pedestrians.
  • No parking in pedestrian traffic areas or where parking would create an obstacle.
  • Must display current year valid pit vehicle sticker at all times. Any stickers from previous seasons must be removed.
  • Pit vehicles operated after dusk/sunset must have a working headlight. Taillights may also be required on an individual basis depending upon vehicle design.
  • All vehicles must be operated according to manufacturer and applicable industry specifications regarding seating capacity and operating controls. It is the owner’s and operator’s responsibility to be familiar with such specifications.
  • Owners and Operators specifically ASSUME ALL RISKS of any type regarding the operation of any auxiliary pit vehicle.
  • Report all incidents/crashes involving the vehicle to NHRA Official or Security and/or law enforcement officials. REPORT CRASHES/INCIDENTS REQUIRING MEDICAL ATTENTION TO LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS IMMEDIATELY.
  • AUXILIARY PIT VEHICLE OWNER/OPERATOR (hereinafter LICENSEE) UNDERSTANDS, ACKNOWLEDGES, AND AGREES that all auxiliary pit vehicles operated at any NHRA event, regardless of ownership, must be registered with NHRA. LICENSEE FURTHER UNDERSTANDS, ACKNOWLEDGES, AND AGREES that Licensee assumes and shall be responsible for the risk of loss to Licensee, its invitees, NHRA, track owners and operators, racing participants, and each of their respective officers, owners, officials, sponsors, contractors, employees, and agents from the acts or omissions of Licensee, its invitees and guests with respect to Licensee’s use of any vehicle at any NHRA event, including without limitation the operation of an auxiliary pit vehicle by Licensee and/or its invitees. Licensee shall maintain its own comprehensive general liability insurance. LICENSEE FURTHER AGREES to indemnify and hold harmless the Released Parties as to all lawsuits, claims, damages, costs, and attorneys fees, including claims as to Released Parties sole or contributory negligence, arising out of or related to Licensee’s auxiliary pit vehicle being on site at the event.