All drag race participants are required to follow these rules. Failure to do so can lead to disqualification in races and/or removal from the property. Please respect our staff, facilities, and other races so everyone can have a great race day!
- As a courtesy to all the drivers, please get to staging lanes promptly when called. Lanes are closed when the first pair of the class is called to the burnout box.
- The speed limit on the return road and any non-race surface is ten (10) miles per hour. Going any faster can put officials and spectators in danger of a collision, especially with children at the track. Any racers found to be speeding at our facility will be finished running for the day.
- The Official has the final say in all cases. The computer is an Official.
- In any category where dial-ins are displayed, the racer accepts the dial-in displayed once he/she has PRE-STAGED. No reruns will be granted due to incorrect dial-ins after pre-staging.
- Race pairings are determined by the staging director in the staging lanes/race command computer. All pairings are final. You will race who you are paired with or lose the round by forfeit.
- In the event cars have been paired up and called to start and one fails to start or move, the non-offending competitor will be required to take the tree. A vehicle must leave the starting line forward, under its own power, to be eligible for a win.
- If a vehicle has problems before staging, it will be given 30 seconds to re-start or correct. Actual time allowed will be at the discretion of the starter, and based on the situation at hand. The starter shall have total discretion of the time allotted to stage a pair of vehicles and activate the tree. Track Officials will make every effort to determine winners on the race track by competition, not by disqualification. The Track Official’s decision will be final.
- Auto-start will be used in all classes. Movement of a “staged” vehicle after the tree is armed may result in a red-light foul, even though it may occur before the tree counts-down. Also called a “shallow- stage red” it is not grounds for protest or re-run.
- You cannot enter two drivers in one vehicle in any single class. You may not switch drivers once eliminations have begun. You must finish eliminations with the vehicle/driver you started with.
- Drivers may earn points in multiple classes. The driver is responsible for being on time for the appropriate class.
- Stay with your vehicle in the staging lanes. Be ready ahead of time for your pass. If you are not ready to run when called you may be disqualified. The staging director’s decision will be final.
- No burnouts in the staging lanes or pit areas. No stationary burnouts – except in the water box. Power burnouts across the line are not allowed unless directed by a Track Official. One (1) backup is allowed to all competitors, for the purpose of re-positioning their vehicle on the starting pad. The car must always pull forward into a staged position, backing into a staged position is dangerous and strictly prohibited!
- Delay boxes must be removed from the car in all no-box classes. If a delay box is found during a run the competitor is disqualified, and a one-year disqualification with the season forfeit.
- Tow vehicles are allowed for Motorcycle/Sled, Super Pro, Quick 16 and Junior Dragsters only.
- Driver must stay with the tow vehicle at all times.
- In case of vehicle malfunction, please move your vehicle out of the groove and next to the guard wall to keep fluids off of the racing surface.
- In the unlikely event of a re-run, the re-run competitors will not be allowed to change their dial-ins or lane choice.
- Bye runs will be given at random. Bye run drivers will not be eligible for a second bye run until all remaining competitors have also had a bye. A driver who has the ‘bye run’ must leave the starting line forward, under its own power, to be eligible for a win.
- Cross talk will be used in Super Pro, Quick 16 and King of the Track. If you do not wish to use this feature there must be an approved “N” on your car. See Tech for more information.
- Time trials are made by class when called by the announcer. Extra time trials are not allowed unless specifically approved by the Race Director. Exceptions may be made by the Race Director when a competitor must substitute a vehicle or demonstrates that factors beyond their control caused them to miss the final scheduled time run session. The Race Director may grant one time run in such cases, provided a hardship exists.
- Payouts will be available at the tower no more than 30 minutes after the final race of each class.
- The timing tower is off limits to all non-race officials. If there is an issue, contact the Tech Director and they will pass your concerns on to the Race Director and let you know how to proceed. Entering the timing tower without official permission will result in immediate disqualification.
- All drivers and crew members entering a restricted area must sign the appropriate Waiver and Liability Releases. Minors under the age of 18 must have a Minor Release Form signed by both parents or legal guardians. In the case of a single parent (by means of divorce, death, or court order) or a legal guardian (by court order), a written notation must be made in the minor release form.
Vehicle Number Visibility Requirements
Your racing numbers – including dial-in numbers for bracket racers – must be easily visible to the tower operator for entry into the system as you pull forward from the bottleneck.
- Vehicle numbers must be at least 8 inches tall for all vehicles except bikes and sleds, which must be 5 inches tall.
- On door cars, numbers must be displayed on the windshield (upper passenger corner) and driver side windows (front or rear). Numbers on the passenger windows are optional but appreciated by the tower 🙂
- On rail dragsters and Junior Dragsters, vehicle numbers must be displayed on the side of the vehicle. Side panels on the wing are appropriate if sizing requirements are met.
- On bikes and sleds, vehicle numbers may be displayed on the windshield, tank, fender, or wheelie bar panels on the left side of the vehicle. Do your best to make them easily visible if there’s not enough space to meet the 5 inch requirement.
- Vehicle numbers may be written in paint marker or tape. We recommend wide markers in white or orange. Fine point paint markers are not visible.
- Vehicle numbers may be displayed using dial-in panel boards, including illuminated boards.
- Vehicle numbers may be vinyl graphics as long as they meet the size and visibility requirements. Patterned or complex fonts are not recommended and we may require you to rewrite your numbers in paint marker for visibility.
If your numbers are not visible to the tower operator, the starting line staff will flag you in the water box or bottleneck to confirm your numbers manually. This slows down the racing program, and may lead to your vehicle being turned away from the starting line if it happens repeatedly.